Local Delivery Westchase and Oldsmar

Lucky Pet Tampa offers local delivery to the following zip codes:

  • 33626
  • 33635
  • 34677
  • 34685
  • 33615


Local pet products delivery service details:

  • Requires a minimum order of $35
  • Free local delivery on orders over $50
  • In-Store offers don't apply to orders online
  • Delivery service is from Monday to Friday
  • For same-day delivery, orders must be placed before 12 pm.
  • Orders placed Saturdays or Sundays or after 12 pm, will be delivered the next business day.
  • For order returns, the customer should bring the order to the store at 13859 W Hillsborough Ave, Tampa Fl 33635

Please, contact us if you have any questions, at 813-491-4091