6 Ways to Take Care of your Dog's Oral Health

6 Ways to Take Care of your Dog's Oral Health

With proper care, you can avoid gum infections, surgery, and other conditions. Oral care of your dog should start from when he is a puppy.

When was the last time you looked at your dog's teeth? If you don't remember, it is most likely that you are one of the many pet parents who is not aware of the importance of preventing oral health issues. Most probably you even look the other way every time your dog yawns to avoid that stinky breath!

With proper care, you can avoid gum infections, surgery, and other conditions. Oral care of your dog should start from when he is a puppy. It won't take much of your daily time, but you will avoid oral health conditions in the future.

Here are six ways to maintain your dog's oral health in optimal conditions.


  1. Start when he’s a puppy. Rub your puppy's gums with your finger. First with your fingers and then introduce a toothbrush. Gum massage will be a therapy for him once he gets used to it!
  2. Offer dry kibbles. Allow the dog to chew on its food, even if he’s small. Dog Food
  3. Chew Toys. Offering chew toys will help prevent tartar buildup. Shop Toys.
  4. Mouthwash. If you don't have time to brush your dog’s teeth every day, TropiClean mouthwash is a good way to keep your dog's dental health and fresh breath up-to-date. Shop Oral Care.
  5. Dental gel. If you see that tartar is starting to build up on your teeth, we have found Tropiclean gel to be very effective. Look at the photos of just 6 days of use.
  6. Oral exam. VIP Dental Care offers non anesthesia dentals and consultations at Lucky Pet every month. Check out here if your dog is a candidate. 


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